Crosspoint City Groups

Crosspoint City Groups exist to help adults know and follow Jesus together. God designed every one of us for relationships and calls us to live out our faith in the community. As the church, we are the family of God and we have an obligation to one another as brothers and sisters in Christ.

Connect Groups

We need each other to grow in Christ-likeness and to live out the mission God has given us to make disciples of all nations. The way we see this lived out in our church is through our Connect Groups. Connect Groups are where we find authentic community, experience life transformation, and live out the Great Commission.

Sermon based groups meet weekly are focused on life transformation and authentic community based on Acts 2:42.

Multiply Group

Multiply groups are high commitment groups designed to disciple men and women to help them live faithfully in every area of life and become disciples who make disciples. Each group lasts for 9 months and then multiplies into new groups that are led by the members of the previous group.

2 Timothy 2:2 "What you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also."

Young Adult Groups

Young Adult Groups are where we find authentic community, experience life transformation, and live out the Great Commission.


Bible Reading Plans

Bible Reading Plans

 One of the greatest gifts that we have as Christians is God’s Word. As a church, we hope to become people who always grow in faith through the reading and application of the Word to our lives. To help you have a plan to read the Bible personally, we have put together a few different options for daily Bible reading. We encourage our groups to use the F260 Bible Plan or F260 New Testament Plan. Pick a plan that works for you and start at any time!



5 Day Bible Reading Program

5 Day Bible Reading Program The 5 Day Bible Reading Program is a plan that allows your group to read through the entire in a year. Most days consist of a reading from the Old Testament, a Psalm and the New Testament. This plan also affords for two days of reflection or personal reading each week.


M’Cheyne One Year Bible Plan

Based on the M’Cheyne reading system, this plan features 4 different readings for use in both family and personal devotions. Each day has two passages from the Old Testament, one from the New Testament, and one from either the Psalms or the Gospels. In one year, you’ll read the Old Testament once and the New Testament and Psalms twice.

PDF Copy

ESV App or*

*To access the this plan using the ESV app, click on reading plans and choose the M’Cheyne Plan.

The Bible App


Six Month New Testament Plan

Each daily reading will guide readers through the New Testament, introducing them to Jesus and the gospel. This is a great resource for those who are newcomers to the Bible and is designed to take you through the New Testament twice. Using the PDF copy, you will repeat the plan after month six.

PDF Copy

ESV App/*

*To access the ESV New Testament plan, click on reading plans and choose the Outreach New Testament.

The Bible App


BibleProject | Old Testament In a Year 

The Bible App

BibleProject | New Testament In a Year

The Bible App

The Epistles and Acts In 85 Days

The Bible App

The Gospel of John In 21 Days

The Bible App


BibleProject | Gospel Wisdom for Moms 

– a resource designed for busy mothers


Crossway | Bible Reading Plans for Kids



Bible Reading Resources

Check out these helpful resources for Bible reading: